Making a flame

In this Photoshop tutorial you will learn how to make a flame using Photoshop effects.

1. Create a new document (Ctrl+N) with a black background.

2. Using Brush Tool paint something like this.

3. Go to Filter/Blur/Radial blur.

4. Repeat filter several times.

5. Go to Filter/Distort/Twirl.

6. Go to Image/Adjustments/Brightness & Contrast and run Brightness: 0, Contrast: 30.

7. Dublicate this layer and go to Filter/Sketch/Chrome.

8. Change the layer mode to Overlay.

9. Merge this layers (link two layers and go to Layer/Merge layers). Using Image/Adjustments/Hue and saturation (Ctrl+U) colorize layer.

10. Image/Adjustments/Color balance (Ctrl+B). Adjust midtones.

11.Go to Image/Adjustments/Color balance (Ctrl+B) again. Adjust highlights.

12. Good :-)

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