Import a path from Photoshop to InDesign

In this tutorial I am going to show you how to import a path from Photoshop to InDesign, so that you could create with ease silhouettes and stuff.

1.Ok. So first of all open an image in Photoshop.
I choosed Ermac from MK because he seems to have a good silhouette:

2. Choose Pen Tool (P) and in the options palette enable Path and Pen Tool. Start creating your path!

3. Double-click the Workpath from Path Palette to save the path.
You must save your image as .jpeg, .eps or .psd, otherwise your path will be deleted.

4. Open InDesign and place your image in a new document.
With the image selected go to Object-Clipping Path-Options. (Alt+Shift+Ctrl+K). Your type must be Photoshop Type, and your path name should be the one you saved. Click Ok.

5. With the image selected, go to Object-Clipping Path-Convert Clipping Path to Frame

6. Still with the image selected (not the frame), press Backspace. Now your image is deleted, and the path had becomed a frame. You may color it as you like.

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